Delta Phi Alpha (German National Honor Society)


Delta Phi Alpha in the News

While the Tau Epsilon chapter of Delta Phi Alpha at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan is fairly new (it was only founded in the fall of 2013, and has currently 19 members) the chapter has already celebrated two initiation ceremonies (2013 and 2014), and is very busy promoting the study of German language, culture, history, and civilization - both on campus as well as in the larger Grand Rapids community. >Read More

Congratulations to all the new 2017/2018 Delta Phi Alpha members of the Aquinas College Tau Epsilon Chapter! Selma Hodzic, Karissa Lantz, Michael Maxwell, Lilia Thomas, William Uecker (z.Zt. in Lüneburg / D)

Initiates of the 2015 class of Delta Phi Alpha at the induction ceremony
Fall 2015 Initiates with Dr. Gross
Group photo of students and professors
Fall 2014 Initiates with Dr. Gross
Group photo of students holding certificates and two professors
Fall 2013 Initiates

Facts about the German National Honor Society Delta Phi Alpha

"Delta Phi Alpha Deutsche Chrenberbindung" shield

  • Aquinas College is the home of the Tau Epsilon chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the National Honor Society for students and professors of German
  • The Delta Phi Alpha German National Honor Society began with the founding of the Alpha chapter at Wofford College in 1929, and now has constituent chapters at 273 colleges and universities throughout the United States.
  • Delta Phi Alpha aims to promote the study of the German language, literature and civilization and endeavors to emphasize those aspects of German life and culture which are of universal value and which contribute to man's eternal search for peace and truth.
  • Delta Phi Alpha recognizes excellence in the study of German and to provide an incentive for higher scholarship
  • Delta Phi Alpha awards several prizes to recognize achievement by its members

Facts about the Tau Epsilon Chapter

  • Aquinas College’s Tau Epsilon Chapter was founded in 2013.
  • To date, there are 11 new members in the chapter.
  • The Tau Epsilon chapter works closely with the Aquinas German Club, Der Deutschverein and co-sponsors many German-related cultural events including German-American Day, Oktoberfest, and Fasching, or the annual trip to Goethe-Institute and visit to the Christkindelmarkt in Chicago.
  • Delta Alpha Phi members are also very active as German tutors on campus, and as volunteers in the community for the annual Chiaroscuro International Film Series. Check with the DAP faculty advisor, Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross for more details.

 Eligibility criteria to join Delta Phi Alpha
Aquinas students interested in applying for membership to join Delta Phi Alpha must fulfill the following requirements:

  1.  A minimum of two years of college or university German (or their equivalent)
  2.  A minimum average of B+ (3.3 GPA) or its equivalent in all German courses counting towards the German major (33 credits) or minor (21 credits)
  3.  A minimum cumulative average of B- (2.7 GPA) or its equivalent
  4.  A letter indicating the applicants’ continued interest in the study of German language, literature, and culture

Dr. Katharina Häusler-Gross
Office: Academic Building 9C 
Phone: (616) 632-2122